Invest in our second real estate project in Lisbon!

Invierte en nuestro segundo proyecto inmobiliario en Lisboa

Invest in our second real estate project in Lisbon!

We present our first project in the city of Lisbon, which will open for investment next Friday, April 12th at 12 p.m. (UTC+2).

The Alexandre Herculano project consists of the development of a new residential promotion comprising 11 multi-family homes with 2 and 3 bedrooms and a commercial space in the center of Lisbon (Portugal).

The asset is located in the center of Lisbon, in the Santo Antonio neighborhood. It is a privileged location, just a few meters from Marquês de Pombal Square and next to Avenida Liberdade, one of the most emblematic streets in the Portuguese capital and one of the main axes of the city.

This time we will rely on Adriparte, who has great experience in the area.

The developer invests its own capital

The operation will be structured through a capital increase, where Urbanitae investors will make a capital contribution to the operation’s vehicle company.

This vehicle company will enter the share capital of the developer company, which plans to seek bank financing for the development of the project. The contribution from Urbanitae investors will amount to €4,053,000, of which €3,725,000 will be increased in the developer company. The remainder will be allocated to cover administrative and management expenses of the vehicle company, along with payment of Urbanitae’s commission.

The manager will be dedicated to the comprehensive management of the promotion and will contribute 56% of the total capital of the developer company, aligning the interests of the developer with the investors.

In this video, the developer and our CEO, Diego Bestard, explain the details of the Alexandre Herculano project.

Profitability in 30-34 months

The estimated timeframe for this project is 30-34 months. Regarding profitability, we cannot provide exact figures, but it can be easily calculated from the project URL information. As with the rest, in the favorable scenario, which is the one we base on at Urbanitae and which we contrast with third parties, profitability is calculated using the formula: (Projected income – Cost estimate) / Total equity.

In the second quarter of 2024, a capital increase and entry into the developer company are expected.

Between the second and third quarters of 2025, obtaining the license and starting the rehabilitation works is estimated.

Between the first quarter and the second quarter of 2026, the end of construction and delivery of the homes is expected.

Finally, between the second and third quarters of 2026, the liquidation of the company and distribution of profits to investors is estimated.

As always, you can contact us at or by phone at 911 23 25 22. Get informed and don’t miss the opportunity to achieve annual rental yields of 5.4%.

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