Nidus Lab, artificial intelligence applied to architectural design

Nidus Lab, inteligência artificial aplicada ao design arquitetónico

Nidus Lab, artificial intelligence applied to architectural design

Artificial intelligence brings new opportunities to the construction sector. In this context, Nidus Lab is born, a platform that is revolutionizing real estate promotion with its AI-based software solutions. Ana Lozano, with over two decades of experience in the real estate sector, is the CEO and founder of this company that has developed design software capable of completing architectural projects in a matter of minutes. This tool can optimize buildability, reduce times, and address architectural design from a sustainable perspective. In this interview, she reveals how AI, when applied properly, can lead the construction sector towards an era of greater efficiency, safety, and sustainability.

How did Nidus Lab come about and what is its objective?

Nidus Lab arose from the need to address one of the most critical challenges in the real estate sector: the viability and preliminary design phase of projects, which has traditionally been inefficient, slow, and fraught with uncertainties. We identified a clear pain point in the architectural decision-making and investment process, where intuition and traditional approaches prevailed over detailed analysis and data-driven optimization.

The objective with which Nidus Lab was born is twofold. First, we aim to radically transform the architectural design process and feasibility analysis by employing our advanced generative AI to offer optimized solutions that reduce development times and costs. Second, we aspire to democratize access to quality housing and promote sustainability and efficiency in the construction industry, addressing critical issues such as affordable housing and construction industrialization.

Nidus Lab’s vision is to be a catalyst for change, a pioneer in the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to enrich and improve the global real estate industry. From the outset, our focus has been on creating a powerful tool that not only benefits large companies but is also accessible and useful for small studios and developers, helping to level the playing field and fostering greater innovation and collaboration in the sector.

“The AI acts as a gifted designer, processing large amounts of data to generate optimal architectural solutions in a matter of minutes.”

You accomplish architectural projects in a matter of minutes thanks to AI. How do your software solutions work?

Nidus Lab revolutionizes architectural design and urban planning through our advanced generative AI. Our software is based on a hybridization of AI techniques that can quickly assess a multitude of urban, market, and design variables. Essentially, AI acts as a gifted designer, processing large amounts of data to generate optimal architectural solutions in a matter of minutes, something that traditionally would take weeks or even months.

The operation is very simple. Starting from a CAD (computer-aided design) file, the platform, through an algorithm capable of iterating 100,000 times per second, tests hundreds of thousands of project solutions and proposes the top twenty. In this way, it maximizes buildability and exports a CAD drawing perfectly adapted to the optimal dimensions resulting from the iterative process. Additionally, it incorporates financial analysis tools that provide real-time estimates of construction costs, thus optimizing the decision-making process and minimizing risks.

At the heart of our system is the ability to create detailed and technically viable designs that respect the complexities of the real world. Our solution not only brings efficiency and speed but also opens up a new spectrum of creative possibilities for architects and real estate developers. AI does not replace human creativity but enhances it, allowing professionals to focus on the most innovative and high-value facets of architectural design and strategic planning.

The tool has not yet been commercially launched (expected in the second quarter of 2024) but it is possible to use it through specific agreements we are signing with some companies.

What does Nidus Lab bring to the construction sector that is different from other platforms?

Nidus Lab brings an unprecedented combination of efficiency, customization, and creativity to the construction sector. Our platform differs from other tools in its ability to perform detailed and generative analysis that goes beyond pre-designed and static solutions.

What sets us apart is the ability of our AI software to explore millions of combinations and permutations in architectural design, finding the most effective and sustainable solution for each specific project. Instead of being limited to a set of templates or predefined shapes, Nidus Lab allows users to work with complex geometries, opening up a new world of possibilities in architectural design.

Additionally, Nidus Lab focuses on economic and technical feasibility from the early stages of design, allowing developers and architects to make decisions based on solid data. Our real-time cost analysis and resource optimization contribute to more efficient planning and reduce material waste, which has a positive impact on both profitability and the environmental footprint of projects.

A fundamental distinguishing feature of Nidus Lab is its logical architecture. Our tool is not trained with use, which protects user know-how and ensures respect for data ownership.

Another distinctive feature is our focus on interoperability. Nidus Lab not only integrates with other software systems used in the construction sector but also facilitates collaboration among all stakeholders involved in a project, from investors to builders, improving communication and operational effectiveness.

In summary, Nidus Lab is more than a design tool: it is a comprehensive platform that redefines the entire lifecycle of a construction project, from conception to realization, focusing on innovation, efficiency, and sustainability.

AI offers great and new opportunities for the construction sector. What opportunities are we talking about? Are there those who may see it as a threat?

Artificial intelligence is opening immense opportunities in the construction sector, radically transforming the way projects are conceived, designed, and built. These opportunities include optimizing architectural design, accurately predicting costs, automating repetitive tasks, and improving resource management. AI can, for example, predict with great accuracy the behavior of materials, the energy consumption of a building, or the logistical efficiency of construction processes, resulting in a significant reduction in costs and times.

On the other hand, AI also contributes to the preventive maintenance of existing structures, analyzing real-time data to anticipate repair or maintenance needs before they become costly problems.

However, it is undeniable that technological advancement can also be perceived as a threat, especially when it comes to automation. It is crucial to understand that AI is not here to replace humans but to enhance their capabilities. For example, by freeing professionals from routine tasks, AI allows them to focus on more strategic and creative aspects of the project.

At Nidus Lab, we see AI as an ally that complements and amplifies human skills. Our vision is that, instead of being a threat, AI is a valuable tool that, when applied correctly, can lead the construction sector into an era of greater efficiency, safety, and sustainability, benefiting both companies and society as a whole.

“Our solution not only brings efficiency and speed, but also opens up a new spectrum of creative possibilities for architects and real estate developers.”

Is there anything that AI still cannot achieve in the construction sector?

In the construction sector, artificial intelligence has proven to be a powerful tool, but there are still limits to what it can achieve. Although AI can optimize and predict structures or use data to improve design and construction efficiency, it cannot replace the experience and expert knowledge that architects and engineers bring to solving complex problems on-site or handling unforeseen issues during the construction phase.

The implementation of AI in the construction sector faces significant challenges, mainly due to data fragmentation and diversity in regulations and local cultural sensitivities. This heterogeneity complicates standardization and, therefore, the applicability of AI-based solutions.

A crucial obstacle is the high complexity of properly combining AI technology with the peculiarities of the real estate sector. To overcome these difficulties, it is essential to have professionals who not only master AI technology but also possess a deep understanding of the real estate sector.

How does the future of architectural design look in the coming years?

The future of architectural design is shaping towards a comprehensive approach that not only transforms the aesthetics of our spaces but also significantly enhances safety, comfort, and user well-being. Emerging interoperability platforms will facilitate more effective collaboration from the early stages of design. This allows all stakeholders in the real estate sector to jointly contribute to creating buildings that not only meet the highest standards of safety and functionality but also maximize comfort and well-being.

The introduction of advanced technologies in the design and construction process, such as prefabrication and new materials, will not only accelerate execution times and improve the quality of constructions but also facilitate the creation of spaces that adapt to the changing needs of users, providing sustainable and energy-efficient solutions.

Furthermore, the architectural design of the future will focus on space flexibility, allowing them to adapt to various uses over time.

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