ASPE, the platform strengthening the proptech community in Spain

ASPE -Association of Proptech Spain- celebrates its first year of activity, after its launch in September 2023.

ASPE, the platform strengthening the proptech community in Spain

Dedicated to promoting and safeguarding the interests of the proptech sector in Spain, ASPE–Asociación de Proptech España–celebrates its first year of operation after its launch in September 2023. Pablo Cereijo, president of the association and CEO of Visual Urb, has over 20 years of experience in urban planning and the world of associations. In this interview, we talk with him about the creation of the association, its objectives, as well as the challenges and opportunities in the ever-growing and constantly evolving sector it represents.

How did the idea to create ASPE come about?

The Asociación de Proptech España–ASPE–was born out of the clear need for the sector to have a unified and representative voice within the associative framework. With more than 600 companies in Spain dedicated to the digitalization of various real estate processes, it was evident that there was a booming sector in need of visibility and recognition on a national level and, eventually, internationally. Its goal is to support and accompany the proptech sector, as well as to create a space for meeting and collaboration for all players in the proptech entrepreneurial ecosystem.

At ASPE, we aim not only to provide help and support to the sector as a whole but also to foster unity and collaboration among companies and professionals. The association presents itself as a meeting place for the exchange of ideas, networking, and growth, where each member can find a space for support, learning, and development to advance their career in the proptech sector.

The association also serves as a strategic communication channel between proptech companies and local, regional, and national authorities, with the goal of raising awareness about the importance and potential of the sector in the modern economy.

What values do you emphasize in the association?

The fundamental values are the promotion of collaborative synergies from our inception, the fostering of collaboration as a fundamental pillar in a technological environment, and the establishment of a meeting point that identifies and gives visibility to Spanish proptech companies through our web platform, Also, our commitment to preventing duplication in software development, emphasizing the importance of unity and collaboration in optimizing resources and fostering the sustainable growth of the sector. Furthermore, we play a crucial role in supporting and encouraging emerging entrepreneurs, offering them a communication space and access to resources that allow them to connect with institutions and large companies, thus creating growth and expansion opportunities in the proptech field.

What are your goals?

Our main goal is to advocate for and lead the importance of digitalization in the real estate sector, actively promoting the adoption of innovative technologies that drive efficiency and digital transformation in all aspects of real estate management. In this regard, we aspire to be a prominent national and international reference that not only highlights but also fosters the value of proptech as a key driver in optimizing processes, improving the customer experience, and stimulating the sustainable growth of the real estate sector.

“Digitalization is no longer an option but a necessity for real estate companies.”

Additionally, we strive to consolidate our position as a positive change agent, promoting collaboration among sector companies, encouraging strategic alliances, and sharing best practices to drive development and innovation in the real estate field. We also work diligently to support the sustainable development and competitiveness of the proptech industry in Spain, facilitating the creation of an environment conducive to creativity, excellence, and continuous progress in this constantly evolving sector.

What needs do your members have?

ASPE members have a fundamental need to stand out and be recognized in an environment where digitalization has not yet fully penetrated. Their main challenge is to gain visibility, establish a presence, and effectively communicate the benefits and advantages that technology can bring to the real estate sector. In a setting traditionally tied to analog processes, digitalization represents a significant change that requires a strong effort to raise awareness about its transformative potential and the improvements it can bring to existing management models.

Similarly, members seek to highlight the intrinsic value of their technological solutions and services in a market that still shows some resistance to adopting new technologies. Demonstrating how technology can optimize processes, improve efficiency and customer experience, and drive the sustainable growth of the sector becomes a key challenge for our members.

What does ASPE bring to the real estate sector?

ASPE, represented by its founding partners with extensive experience in the sector, brings a solid foundation of knowledge and expertise in digitalization to the real estate field, backed by decades of experience and a deep understanding of the market. With a network of ten companies covering various aspects of the real estate sector, which have been leading digitalization efforts for over 35 years, along with other companies that have a workforce of more than 1,000 employees, ASPE positions itself as a key player in driving the growth and continuous improvement of the sector.

One of ASPE’s main contributions is the consolidation and strengthening of the real estate sector through the promotion of digitalization. By instilling confidence and stability in the market, the association seeks to foster an environment conducive to growth and innovation. Digitalization, driven by ASPE, becomes a catalyst for economic growth, efficiency and effectiveness in processes, greater productivity, and a significant improvement in the quality of services offered in the real estate sector.

The number of proptech companies in Spain already exceeds 500 according to the Proptech Map created by the College and Association of Real Estate Agents of Catalonia (API). Can you give us a brief overview of the sector in recent years?

The sector in Spain has experienced significant growth and evolution in recent years. This diverse and constantly expanding landscape has created an environment conducive to innovation and creativity in the Spanish real estate industry.

The variety of initiatives driven by proptech companies in Spain reflects a dynamic and multifaceted approach, with some proposals aiming to optimize existing processes while others offer disruptive solutions that challenge traditional paradigms of the real estate sector. This atmosphere of constant innovation has contributed to the creation of a rich ecosystem of ideas and proposals that promote efficiency, transparency, and accessibility in real estate management.

“The future of proptech in Spain looks promising and encouraging, with significant potential to continue leading innovation on an international level.”

However, despite the excellent creative momentum in the sector in Spain, it is crucial to highlight the importance of strong support from institutions and the government. The proptech sector requires significant backing to continue fostering innovation and entrepreneurship, as well as to drive substantial improvements in real estate production and investment efficiency.

In this context, recognition by the authorities and active support for entrepreneurs offering transformative solutions in the real estate sector are essential to consolidating the growth and positive impact of companies in Spain.

According to API data, the national proptech sector currently represents 11% of all European tech companies specializing in the real estate sector. These figures indicate that we are at the forefront of innovation. What future do you foresee for proptech in Spain?

The high level of representation of the national proptech sector within the total number of European tech companies specializing in the real estate sector–as indicated by API, at 11%–positions Spain at the forefront of innovation in this field. This fact reflects a favorable and dynamic environment for the development and expansion of disruptive technological solutions in the real estate sector.

The future of proptech in Spain looks promising and encouraging, with significant potential to continue leading innovation on an international level. The sustained growth of proptech ideas and developments in the country suggests a positive trend towards scalability and the export of Spanish companies abroad. Spain’s ability to generate cutting-edge technology in the real estate sector enhances its position to compete and collaborate globally.

Proptech has been gaining momentum, not only in the Spanish market but also across Europe. How will the sector progress in Europe?

The sector in Europe is experiencing accelerated growth and is projected to be a fundamental component in the digital transformation of the real estate industry on the continent. Digitalization, framed within the Fourth Industrial Revolution, is significantly impacting various sectors, including real estate, which has traditionally been characterized by not requiring immediate digital adoption due to its solid economic performance.

However, the current landscape of disruptive and rapid changes in society and the economy is creating an urgent need to adapt to digitalization in the real estate sector. Real estate companies that do not adjust and evolve towards more digital and technological models risk falling behind in an increasingly competitive market. Digitalization is no longer an option but a necessity for real estate companies.

In this context, proptech companies emerge as enablers of this transformation process, providing innovative solutions to optimize processes, improve efficiency and productivity, and adapt to the demands of a constantly changing market. It is important to emphasize that proptech companies do not seek to replace human work but rather to complement and enhance it through technological tools that facilitate decision-making, data management, and improving the quality of services offered.

As the sector continues to mature, it also faces new challenges regarding technological advances, new regulations in data protection, cybersecurity, etc. How does ASPE work to address them?

At ASPE, we are actively working to address the new challenges arising from technological advances and evolving regulations, such as data protection and cybersecurity. One of the key measures implemented is the creation of a training department, with the goal of designing training modules tailored to the needs of the sector and relevant regulatory changes.

The focus on training aims to equip ASPE members with the latest regulations in data protection and cybersecurity, as well as provide them with the tools and knowledge necessary to successfully face these challenges.

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