SeniorExpert: how to make your home finance your retirement
The population pyramid is reversing. Low birth rates are narrowing the base while the top, where those over 65 are, is expanding. The duration of retirement is also increasing, along with concerns about maintaining financial well-being during this period. The home, where many Spaniards have their savings tied up, allows them to obtain liquidity without giving up ownership or usage through options such as reverse mortgages, bare ownership, life annuities… We discuss all this in this interview with Lupina Iturriaga, co-founder and CEO of the fintech SeniorExpert, an independent financial advisor specializing in retirement solutions.
Financial security before and during retirement is a growing concern for more and more citizens, and this is the starting point for SeniorExpert.
SeniorExpert is an independent financial advisor specializing in retirement solutions. We support our clients in making strategic decisions about investment, savings, and financial management in general, offering personalized recommendations based on their life stage and assisting them through implementation.
That’s why we operate on two fronts. On one hand, we provide financial advice to all individuals, regardless of their wealth. On the other, we help those over 64 obtain economic liquidity using their home’s value, without having to give up living in it.
Our independence is the key differentiator compared to other companies offering similar services. We don’t “push” predefined products; instead, we analyze each person’s specific circumstances to offer only what best suits them.
We know that our recommendations and ongoing support throughout the process can improve quality of life in retirement. It doesn’t matter if you’re 45, 55, or already retired. The guidance of an independent advisor is essential to ensure you are organizing your finances well or identifying areas for improvement. We spend a lot of time working—why not dedicate time to making our money work better for us?
It is estimated that by 2040, 14 million people in Spain will be over 65. SeniorExpert focuses on housing solutions so that retirees can maintain the lifestyle they desire. What is your proposal?
Seventy percent of retirees rely solely on pension income, and 65% receive less than €1,300 per month. Transitioning from employment to retirement involves changes, one of which is a loss of purchasing power. However, many expenses remain during this new stage—whether for enjoying leisure time, helping family members, or securing support in advanced age.
One of the services SeniorExpert offers is advising on solutions that convert a home’s value into liquidity, with the unique feature that the owner does not have to give up ownership and can even continue living there. Among the alternatives to generate additional income are reverse mortgages, bare ownership, reverse housing, real estate life annuities, and sale with guaranteed rent. Each responds to a different need. Our goal is to maximize savings accumulated in the home and convert it into money.
When someone turns to SeniorExpert for these solutions, we first conduct a comparative analysis of all available options. We then explain the implications of the different alternatives for the homeowner and their family, both in the short and long term. It’s important to note that there are many entities, and the same product differs from one to another. That’s why it’s crucial to study each individual’s needs and financial situation. SeniorExpert experts are involved in all stages, from analysis and documentation management to finalizing the process with a notary. Our commitment is to simplify the process and ensure everything is done transparently.
From an expert perspective, which of these products is the most interesting for obtaining liquidity?
There is no one-size-fits-all solution. The choice between options depends on individual priorities, expectations, and circumstances. For example, a reverse mortgage works the opposite of a regular one: the bank advances the home’s value to the owner—either as a lump sum or, more commonly, in monthly installments—and the loan amount increases over time until the borrower’s passing.
With the sale of bare ownership, the owner sells the title but retains the right to live in the home for life. The reverse housing model also involves a transfer, but the owner simultaneously becomes a lifetime tenant. With real estate life annuities, the bare ownership is transferred while retaining usage rights, and periodic income is received until death, at which point the buyer takes possession of the property.
Choosing the right alternative depends on factors such as economic and family situation, life expectancy, and preferences regarding residence. Liquidity amounts also vary based on factors such as the owner’s age and the home’s value.
The advantage of evaluating the best option with SeniorExpert is that we accompany the client through every step, providing real and transparent advice so that they fully understand the consequences of each option, both now and in the future.
What kind of clients turn to SeniorExpert for these services?
In financial planning, we serve clients of all ages, generally from 45 and up. Some seek us out due to a major life event, such as job loss or divorce, while others come because they recognize the importance of planning for the future or are nearing retirement and unsure if they’re managing their finances correctly.
For housing solutions, retirees, their children, or other relatives contact us to explore how they can leverage their home to generate extra income to supplement their pension and ensure financial stability.
Our goal is to maximize savings accumulated in the home and turn it into liquidity.
We must remember that 80% of people in this age group have their savings tied up in a home, but they prefer not to give it up or change their routine. They come to us after discussing options with their close circle but need expert, independent, and trustworthy advice. The SeniorExpert team provides full support from start to finish.
The process begins with a free comparative study, analyzing available housing liquidity options. From there, we offer completely impartial advice, explaining the benefits and trade-offs of each model. This empowers clients to make informed decisions with greater confidence. Once a decision is made, SeniorExpert guides them through the entire process, from documentation to the notary signing and registration. Our fees depend on successful outcomes—clients only pay if the transaction is completed. It’s important to note that not everyone is eligible for these solutions.
Many of these methods for generating income from home equity have existed for some time, but they are now experiencing greater growth, correct?
Unlike buying property, the decision to obtain liquidity from a home through these methods is usually made once in a lifetime. Therefore, most people first consult their close network before seeking professional advice. This second phase can take time because, given the significance of the transaction, it’s crucial to identify, analyze, compare, and evaluate the best options.
This is where SeniorExpert comes in, offering efficiency, transparency, and independence throughout the process. Users can reach us via our website or by phone, and from the very first moment, they are assigned an advisor. We conduct a free comparative study and provide all necessary information and analysis so that clients can make the most informed decision.
How does SeniorExpert work with those who want to plan ahead and not wait until retirement?
We also offer financial planning advice for those still working or already retired, helping them optimize their savings and investments or maximize their overall wealth to ensure a secure retirement and well-managed financial legacy.
Throughout life, we make many critical financial decisions, such as buying or selling a home. In these moments, it’s natural to wonder whether we can afford it or if we are choosing the best option.
It’s clear that we must find alternatives to complement the current pension system, which is already under pressure.
SeniorExpert supports clients through all these processes. We work with individuals of all wealth levels because what matters is not how much you have but how well you manage it. Every financial decision—investing, selling, buying— involves significant sums of money, so it’s worth optimizing to the fullest.
Ultimately, we help our clients make strategic decisions about investment, savings, and financial management while guiding them through execution.
In many cases, people don’t realize the long-term impact of small adjustments in their investment strategy. For example, a 7% return on a €100,000 investment over 30 years results in €761,226. If the return is 6%, that figure drops to €574,349. The good news is that with minor strategy and cost adjustments, significant improvements can be achieved without adding risk.
How does SeniorExpert foresee the evolution of financial solutions related to housing?
Spain’s demographic pyramid is reversing, with an increasing number of people over 65. Adding longer life expectancy to the equation, it’s clear that we need to find alternatives to support the current pension system, which is already under strain. Those currently aged 45-60 may need to finance 25-40 years post-retirement. There is a real possibility that the existing model will weaken, and more people are becoming concerned about retiring with financial security and peace of mind.