How to leverage compound interest with Urbanitae

Cómo aprovechar el interés compuesto con Urbanitae. How to leverage compound interest with Urbanitae. Comment profiter des intérêts composés avec Urbanitae. Come sfruttare l'interesse composto con Urbanitae. Como aproveitar os juros compostos com a Urbanitae. Wie man den Zinseszinseffekt mit Urbanitae nutzt

How to leverage compound interest with Urbanitae

Few things are as widely accepted as compound interest. The idea of your money multiplying without any effort is extremely attractive. If this can happen – and it always has – when we talk about investing in index funds, why not take advantage of compound interest with Urbanitae?

Remember, compound interest is the interest calculated on the initial principal as well as on the interest accumulated from previous periods. In simple terms, it’s “interest on interest,” which allows your investment to grow at a faster rate than simple interest, which is only calculated on the initial principal. Given enough time – and a positive return – compound interest can multiply the initial investment effortlessly.

How does compound interest work?

We’ve all seen compound interest in action with the money we have in the bank. If the results don’t live up to the reputation of compound interest, it’s the bank’s fault. After the Great Recession that began in 2008, central banks were forced to drastically lower interest rates. From 2009 to 2022, rates were close to zero. For this reason, the returns offered by banks to their customers have been low.

But the principle remains. Interest is applied to the money in your account, causing it to grow a little. Depending on the compounding period – that is, how often interest is applied to the principal – your money will grow at a faster or slower rate. However, with interest rates close to zero for over a decade, it’s normal that most savers have seen modest results.

Compound interest and investing with Urbanitae

The process with Urbanitae is different. We are a real estate crowdfunding platform that allows investors to participate in large real estate projects with small amounts of money, starting from 500 euros. The idea is simple: pool funds from many investors to finance real estate projects that are analyzed and selected by a team of experts. These projects are designed to offer attractive returns with a controlled level of risk.

Unlike what happens in a mutual fund or a bank, with Urbanitae, each investor decides which projects to invest in. There is therefore no automatic reinvestment of dividends: the essential ingredient for compound interest to work its magic. With a long-term view, leveraging compound interest with Urbanitae involves allocating a portion of your investment portfolio to Urbanitae and reinvesting it on the platform.

How to leverage compound interest with Urbanitae

One of the best ways to leverage compound interest with Urbanitae is to reinvest the gains from your investments. For example, if you invest in a project and earn a 10% return, you can reinvest that gain in another project. By doing this repeatedly, the interest earned will also start generating interest, accelerating the growth of your investment.

With Urbanitae, investors can diversify their investments across multiple projects. This not only reduces risk but also maximizes opportunities for compound returns. By having a diversified portfolio, gains from different projects can be continuously reinvested in new projects. Investing in longer-term projects can offer greater opportunities for compound interest, as the accumulated interest has more time to grow.

What results could actually be achieved?

To follow the example of banks, let’s see a basic comparison of our savings if we leave it in the bank versus investing it with Urbanitae.

According to a Finizens study, the average return on deposits in Spain is around 2.4%. If we take that figure and consider an inflation rate of 3%, we can make the following calculations. Let’s say we put 10,000 euros in a deposit at 2.4% interest and compare it to investing it with Urbanitae, which has achieved an average annual return of 14.5% to date.

If we leave the money in the bank, the first year, our 10,000 euros deposit would become 9,940 euros adjusted for inflation. After three years, it would be 9,826 euros. And after 10 years, it would be even less, 9,400 euros adjusted for inflation.

Investing in Urbanitae, with the indicated average return and 3% inflation, the numbers would be as follows: after one year, 10,000 euros would become 11,116 euros adjusted for inflation. After three years, we would have 13,740 euros. After 10 years, our initial investment of 10,000 euros would have grown to 28,800 euros, always adjusted for inflation and assuming a stable return – past returns do not guarantee future returns.

You might ask: the term of our projects is rarely 12 months. Certainly, investing with us does not offer the same liquidity as a bank or other investment formulas. But the effect of the IRR is still compound on the money you have invested through the platform. Moreover, professional investors prefer to have their money invested longer or not have to search for where to put it. A longer term therefore results in more accumulated returns for the investor.

Thus, compound interest is an extremely powerful investment strategy that can significantly grow your wealth over time. By investing in real estate projects through Urbanitae, you not only have the opportunity to earn attractive returns, but you can also leverage the power of compound interest by reinvesting your gains. With an accessible, diversified, and secure platform, Urbanitae offers investors an excellent way to grow their money effectively. Start today and let compound interest work for you!

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